

Advisory regarding timeline for Connectivity/LTA/GNA applications:

CTUIL is making all efforts to grant the Connectivity/LTA on margins available in existing/under construction ISTS to the extent possible. The details of margins in Existing/under construction stations are available on CTU website and are being updated on monthly basis .

CTUIL also takes advance actions for planning of new ISTS for identified potential RE zones and getting the same approved from concerned authorities. However, considering the timelines for bidding & implementation of new ISTS, it is desirable that applicants may apply for Connectivity/GNA preferably 30 months in advance from the Start Date of Connectivity/GNA in new ISTS to avoid any mismatch between commissioning of RE project and associated ISTS required for evacuation/drawl of power.

Advisory for CON-4 data submission by Applicant (RE Generators):

The RE Generators shall observe the explanations, procedures, timelines and furnish the Test/Study reports as contained in the “Report of the Working Group in respect of Data Submission Procedure and Verification of Compliance to CEA Regulations on Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid by RE Generators” (available at CTU website) in respect of submission of CON-4 documents/Technical Connection Data and demonstration of compliance to CEA Regulations on Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid.

The RE generator shall submit the complete CON-4/technical connection data at least 12 months prior to the physical interconnection with the Grid in line with the above-mentioned Working Group Report with the undertaking that the data/RE plant model submitted is accurate and representative of the actual plant response.

Based on the submitted data/RE plant model and the studies carried out by applicant, the RE generator shall take advance action for the implementation of the required measures towards compliance with CEA Regulations on Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid, pending issuance of CON-5 upon fulfilment of all applicable compliances by applicant.

After obtaining Connection Offer (CON-5), if there is any deviation in the compliance requirement vis a vis earlier planned measures in Para (2) above, grantee shall take necessary timely actions in this regard.


Revised Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on Renewable sources to Inter-State Transmission System” has been issued on 20/02/2021 by CERC in supersession of the Detailed Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on Renewable sources to Inter-State Transmission System” dated 15/05/2018. It is available at the following link:

Click here

Applicants are requested to go through the CERC Revised Procedure as well as Connectivity Regulations, 2009 & its amendments thereof and ensure that the applications are in conformity to the revised procedure. Relevant CERC Regulations alongwith Detailed Procedures are available at the following link:

  • Central Electricity Authority vide its Order dated 09.11.2020 (Ref. No.: CEA-PL-15-13(11)/1/2020-PSLF) has directed that all power generating units of the country having installed capacity of 0.5 MW or above are required to register themselves on CEA e-GEN portal, http://egen.cea.gov.in w.e.f. 20.11.2020, in line with the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007, and its amendments thereof.
  • Accordingly, the generators who are seeking connectivity shall submit the URN details prior to physical interconnection with the ISTS network, failing which physical interconnection with ISTS shall not be permissible.
  • The consequences of default in submission of the URN shall be at the sole risk, cost and liability of the defaulting generator.
  • In accordance with directions of Hon’ble Commission in Order dated 08.03.2018 in Petition No. 229/RC/2015 and also in light of Regulation 21(c) of the CERC (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2020; in case a Generator or DIC has failed to make payment of outstanding transmission charges or to open LC, it shall be debarred from applying for LTA or MTOA till it makes payment of transmission charges and/or opens LC as required. If an application is made by such a defaulting party, the same shall be liable for rejection.
  • All Open Access applications to ISTS shall be made online through NSWS portal(www.nsws.gov.in)
  • Applications shall have a legally valid digital signature certificate (Class 3 - SHA2 – Signing Component) mapped with the name of applicant company as per Interoperability guidelines of Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) of India and shall be valid for at least 3 months from the date of online submission of the application. Example: If the application is made by Company-A then digital signature of signing authority should be mapped with “Company – A”. Digital signatures mapped with any other company (say Company – B) shall not be considered valid even if “Company –B” is a 100% owned subsidiary or 100% SPV of “Company –A” or “Company –A” is a 100% owned subsidiary or 100% SPV of “Company –B”
  • All the applications received online by 24:00 hrs of the last day of the month shall be construed to have arrived concurrently during the month. The inter-se priority for grant of connectivity to the applications received during the same month shall be as per the date of receipt of online application complete in all respects after rectification of deficiencies, if any.
  • The applications received shall be scrutinized and deficiencies (if any) shall be communicated to the Applicant within seven (7) calendar days of online application. The Applicant shall be required to rectify the deficiency and revert to CTU through the online portal within seven (7) calendar days with a complete revised application without payment of any additional application fee. If the revised application is still deficient, it shall be rejected and closed and 20% of the application fee shall be forfeited while the balance shall be refunded to the Applicant. If the revised application is found to be complete, it shall be processed as per the time and date stamp of such revised application.
  • To avoid shifting of the application priority to next month, It is advised that applications shall be made well in advance so that in case of revert of application because of any deficiency(ies), revised application can also be submitted in the same month.
  • Before submission of the applications, it is advised that applicants should go through the CERC Connectivity Regulations/Detailed Procedure, 2009, Detailed Procedure for grant of connectivity to projects based on RE as amended from time to time and advisories related to filing of applications on CTU website.
  • The detailed steps for filing of applications to CTU on NSWS website is available in the form of a user guide at the following link. Click here for User Guide.
  • A detailed guide on how to use the NSWS Portal is also available on the NSWS portal. Click here for NSWS Portal guide.
  • A checklist has been prepared to avoid frequent errors found in the application. Applicants are advised to go through the same before submitting the application.

Click here to see the Checklist

  • Board Resolution submitted with the application shall have reference to the authorization for submission of application and carry out other activities related to Connectivity/ Open Access to the ISTS
  • Affidavit : Affidavit is required to be submitted by applicants strictly as per the formats available on CTU website on non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/-. Affidavits with affixed revenue stamps in place of non-judicial stamp paper shall not be accepted. Any modification or alteration in the prescribed text shall be seen as a willful nonconformity to defeat the requirement of submitting information and documents under solemn oath of truthfulness and veracity. Each application should be supported by an individual affidavit and scanned copy of affidavit of one application should not be used with any other application except the revised application filed against the reverted application. The formats of affidavit, Agreement, BG and NoC are available under Draft Formats table.
  • Digital Signatures : Application shall have a legally valid digital signature certificate (Class 3 - SHA2 – Signing Component) mapped with the name of applicant company as per Interoperability guidelines of Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) of India and shall be valid for at least 3 months from the date of online submission of the application.
  • Example: If the application is made by Company-A then digital signature of signing authority should be mapped with “Company – A”. Digital signatures mapped with any other company (say Company – B) shall not be considered valid even if “Company –B” is a 100% owned subsidiary or 100% SPV of “Company –A” or “Company –A” is a 100% owned subsidiary or 100% SPV of “Company –B”.
  • The applicants shall ensure that the Affidavit & the online Format of applications are signed by the same authorized signatory with same physical & digital signature.
  • Application and Affidavit shall be digitally signed after completing all the formalities such as physical signatures, attestation from Notary, placement of company seal, name of signatory etc., as applicable.
  • BG Format: Bank Guarantee of all types are to be submitted strictly as per the format uploaded on CTU website. Deviation / modification in any form by omission, addition or modification of any text, sentence or any part is not acceptable & application is liable for rejection. Stamp Paper for Bank Guarantee should be of appropriate value (in accordance with Stamp Act) and purchased in the Name of Issuing Bank only.
  • Further applicants/customers are required to follow the below procedure in case of issuing of Bank Guarantees by Structured financial Messaging system. (SFMS) facility

Procedure for BG issuance using SFMS                   

Please note that the GST and PAN No. of Central Transmission Utility of India Limited are as below:

  • GST No. 06AAJCC2026N1ZM
  • PAN No. AAJCC2026N

Further, the aforesaid shall also be applicable in case of relocation/readjustment of allocated bay(s) by CTU.

  • Application for Enhancement : In regard to Conn-BG1, it is to clarify that when a Stage-II Connectivity grantee/applicant applies for an additional quantum (either through enhancement or new application), then as long as the said application/quantum can be accommodated in the bay allotted to the same grantee, applicant shall not be required to submit additional Conn-BG1. However, in all such cases, Conn-BG1 shall be linked with all the applications, which shall be discharged only after successful completion of all generation projects/capacity under such applications. In case, the additional quantum cannot be accommodated in the already allocated bay(s) to the same grantee and there is a requirement of additional bay(s), then the applicant shall have to submit separate Conn - BG1 and Conn - BG2.
  • Sharing of Connectivity and Dedicated Transmission line : Connectivity applicants who are seeking connectivity at a bay already allocated to another Stage-II grantee or a common bay shall be required to submit an agreement duly signed between the Applicant and the Stage-II Connectivity grantee/other applicant, as the case may be, for sharing the Dedicated Transmission Line at the time of application. Further, both the Conn-BG1 and Conn-BG2, as applicable as per Clause 10.8 of Revised Procedure, shall be submitted by each such Applicant. [Refer Clause 14.3 & 14.4 of Revised Procedure]
  • Applications for Renewable Energy Generating Station developed within or outside premises of Existing Generating Station/Power Park :Connectivity Applications for renewable energy generating station of 5 MW or above under Clauses (e) or (ee) of Regulation 2(1)(b)(i) shall be made online under conventional connectivity format and such applications are to be processed in the ordinary course (and not as Stage-I and State-II) [as per Regulation 8(2A)].
  • Both Conn-BG1 and Conn-BG2 shall be as per the FORMAT-RCON-BG provided in the Revised Procedure for “Grant of Connectivity to projects based on Renewable Sources to Inter-State Transmission System”.

Any entity applying for Stage-II Connectivity under Para 9.2.2 needs to submit the following documents w.r.t. achievements of milestones under clause (i) & (ii):

a.Ownership or lease rights or land use rights for 50% of the land required for the capacity of Stage-II Connectivity.

It is clarified that in all such cases, the documents regarding land rights should bear clear and existing vesting of land rights including the rights to use and possess the land in favour of applicant at the time of application. Further, the land rights should correspond reasonably with the life of the project.

Towards compliance of above, the applicants shall be required to submit the following documents:

  • An Undertaking on company letterhead, clearly indicating total land required for the project and the land acquired (Ownership or lease rights or land use rights), signed by authorized signatory under company seal. The undertaking will also include declaration that the subject land has not been/will not be used for any other project/purpose.
  • ‘Title report’ in the applicant’s favour executed by a registered advocate holding inter alia clear and present vesting of land rights (ownership or lease rights or land use rights)./li>
  • Registered documents regarding land rights in the applicant’s favour. The documents, if not in English or Hindi language, shall be furnished along with its English or Hindi translation from authorized translators.
  • Board Resolution along with letter of authorization, if any, specifying the authorized signatories on behalf of applicant’s company.

b.Financial closure of the project (with copy of sanction letter):

Towards compliance of above, the applicants shall be required to submit the following documents:


An Undertaking on company letterhead signed by authorized signatory under company seal providing the following particulars:

  • Total project cost
  • Amount of loan from financial institution (if any)
  • Amount of equity/funding from applicant company (if any)
  • Amount of equity/funding from parent company (if any)
  • Board Resolution along with letter of authorization, if any, specifying the authorized signatories on behalf of applicant’s company.

In support of the particulars so provided under clause (a) above, the Applicant shall be required to provide the following documents:

i. In case of loan from financial institution:

  • Sanction letter from the loan issuing entity(ies)
  • Acceptance letter from the applicant company towards sanction of loan.

ii. In case of equity /funding from applicant’s company

  • An Undertaking/declaration on company letterhead signed by authorized signatory under company seal towards the amount to be funded by the applicant company clearly mentioning the name of the project.

iii. In case of equity/Funding from Parent company:

  • Board Resolution of Parent Company towards the amount to be funded by the applicant company clearly mentioning the name of the applicant company and the project.


Release of at least 10% of the project cost including the land acquisition cost through equity, duly supported by Auditor’s certificate:

Towards compliance of above, the applicants shall be required to submit the following documents:

  • An Undertaking on company letterhead signed by authorized signatory under company seal mentioning total project cost and total amount released.
  • Auditor’s Certificate w.r.t. release of 10% of the project cost.
  • Board Resolution along with letter of authorization, if any, specifying the authorized signatories on behalf of applicant’s company.
  • MTOA Timelines : Applicants are advised to refer the sample Timeline for MTOA before submitting applications for Medium Term Open Access >> Timelines of MTOA
  • Relinquishment of Long Term Access (LTA) : In order to facilitate quick dispensation of relinquishment requests, the Long Term Transmission Customer’s communications may include the following details in an unequivocal and clear manner:
    • Name of the Long Term Transmission Customer (along with the quantum of LTA)
    • Quantum of LTA to be relinquished
    • Date from which relinquishment is sought
  • Submission of NOC :LTA Applicants (including Electricity Traders) are required to submit NoC(s) in prescribed FORMAT-LTA-3 from respective STU(s) while MTOA Applicants are required to submit NoC(s) in FORMAT-MTOA-3 from respective SLDC(s) with as per the below requirements for submission of NOC:
ApplicantInjecting Entity(ies)Drawal Entity(ies)
ISTS ConnectedIntra state/State ConnectedISTS ConnectedIntra state/State Connected
LTANOC not requiredSTU NOC requiredNOC not requiredSTU NOC required
MTOANOC not requiredSLDC NOC requiredNOC not requiredSLDC NOC required





Note: Applicants are advised to ensure that specific Start & End dates are mentioned in NoC.





  • Further, there is an enabling provision in the regulations that in case of any deficiency, the applicant shall submit the revised application complying the CTU observations within 7 days from date of intimation of the observations.
  • CTU team makes all efforts to process the applications in a time bound manner. However, in order to facilitate the submission of completed/corrected applications within the same month, the applicants are requested to submit the applications well in time (say by 25th day of the month).
  • Nevertheless, CTU is fully committed to process all applications received till 24:00 hrs of last day of any month through deliberations in the succeeding month.
  • Sh Rajesh Verma (GM): 0124 -282 3117 / 91- 9599192370
  • Sh Sandeep Behera (Manager): 0124 -282 3154 / 91- 7042396729
  • In case, if required, the Applicants may also approach the Chief Operating Officer, CTUIL at 0124 -282 2212 / 91- 94254 09511.