For information pertaining to job opportunities, please visit our Career Page.
Where is CTUIL located?
Currently, we have 1 office located in Gurgaon, Haryana. We may expand to multiple locations in future.
What are the Core Values of CTUIL?
Zeal to Excel and Zest for Change
Integrity and Fairness in all matters
Respect for dignity and potential of individuals
Strict adherence to commitments
Ensure speed of Response
Foster learning, creativity and team-work
Loyalty and pride in CTUIL
As an ET/AET, where can I get posted in CTUIL?
We’re present only in Gurgaon, Haryana as of now. However, in case we expand to multiple locations, fresh inductees in executive cadre such as ETs and AETs can be posted anywhere in India as per the organizational requirement.
What is the role of CTU in ISTS Communication Planning ?
Planning and coordination for development of reliable national communication system for ISTS
Own & install special energy meters
What is the procedure for planning of ISTS Communication system adopted by CTUIL ?
For login, you have to enter your login credential issued by CTUIL, in the login page of ISTS applicant. Applicant shall mail to CTU at email IDs: rshakya[at]powergrid[dot]in, tanay[at]powergrid[dot]in and pavan.naga[at]powergrid[dot]in for login credential generation.
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Click on the “Forgot password” link on the login page of ISTS applicant and follow the instructions to reset your password.
Where can I find a User Guide?
At the home page of CTUIL Urja Meter Portal.
How do I apply for a new energy meter?
Click on the “Apply for New IEMs” section and fill all the necessary details along with RLDC approval uploading in the online applicant form.
How do I request the replacement of the faulty energy meter?
Click on the “Apply for Replacement of IEMs” button and fill all the necessary details in the online application form, along with RLDC approval to be uploaded in the online application form.
I am experiencing technical issues with the portal. Who can I contact?
Contact CTUIL metering team at given mail ids: rshakya[at]powergrid[dot]in, tanay[at]powergrid[dot]in and pavan.naga[at]powergrid[dot]in.
How can I track the status of my application for new meter or replacement of meter?
After login go to respective request (whether new request or replacement) section, there is a column “Metering Status” where you can find the status.
Can I access my application or replacement request history?
Yes, you can access your request history by logging into your account.