Ministry of Power, GOI vide Gazette Notification dated 09.03.2021 has notified Central Transmission Utility of India Limited (CTUIL), a Government Company as Central Transmission Utility. Accordingly, CTUIL has started functioning w.e.f 01.04.2021 as wholly owned subsidiary of POWERGRID to undertake and discharge all functions of CTU under the Electricity Act, 2003 and functions assigned under regulations/directions by Central Commission/Authority and also any other directions/functions assigned by the Central Government.
CTU has been assigned the responsibility of undertaking transmission of electricity through inter-state transmission system and discharge all functions of planning and coordination relating to ISTS. Further, CTU is the nodal agency for grant of non-discriminatory open access to ISTS through grant of connectivity & GNA. Other functions undertaken by CTU include commercial functions associated with billing, collection and disbursement of ISTS charges as well as planning and coordination for development of reliable national communication system for ISTS.