
CTU lecture on implementation of GNA regulations held on 31-05-2024 at Dharmshala for Gujarat & Himachal Pradesh officials

Session on "Transmission Access and Cross Border Electricity Trade" on 3rd May 2024 at PMI NOIDA organized by NTPC School of Business (NSB)

International Conference on Transmission Distribution Planning for Mega, Big Cities

Renewable Integration in Indian Power System

Smart Grid Program_NSB ITEC

5th JWG Sri-Lanka

10th International Conference & Exhibition

“5th JC NPC on MPLS at ISTS communication network “ held on 11.03.2024 at CC Gurugram

Presentation on Communication for Power System by T.P. Verma

MPLS Seminar on 24.01.23

MPLS Seminar on 24.01.23